the ten series of SI

The ten: The ten series is a basic introduction to Structural Integration. It’s not a sequence of techniques, more like a series of events. How we get to those events is wholly personal; Dr. Rolf called the work Personal Structural Integration and it truly varies depending on … everything. Each of the ten sessions improve upon changes created in the previous, and build support for what is to come in the next. Through the series, it is my experience that a deeper relationship to gravity in the physical body and a deeper relationship to Self in the more subtle realms unfolds and takes root. It feels to me like a process of becoming more of oneself, and learning new ways to move in the world that reflect that self-knowing.

We start in the first session with a good, long look at breath. Breath is our pump, breath is flow; it's the dynamic movement of a whole body, even in relative stillness. The series opens with integrative, broad opening around the territory of breath, then helps to build a solid foundation, works into the deep core, and unwinds tension all the way through the skull. As best we can, through the series we’ll address your timeline and center your health and wellness as opposed to focusing on imbalances, diseases, or “problems”. I am learning along with you, and following the recipe of the ten as a roadmap. 

One of my favorite parts of the series is the ample amount of time granted to integration and closure. It feels totally radical to really take time to finish something, and to do it well. All too often, I find myself moving on to the next thing as quickly as I possibly can. This is normal here, in the WEIRD (western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic) world. I luxuriate, both as practitioner and client, in the slow and respectful pace of the series’ closure sessions (8, 9, and 10). After ten, we can assess together what could come next and can move into advanced work, if it’s right. Often, taking some time to let the changes that have occurred in the series cook/brew/settle/set fruit is a great idea. We’ll talk!